Urban Chic by Ron Shpigel

Urban Chic is a modern two-story house located in Oranit, Israel, recently designed by Ron Shpigel

The home is located in Oranit, Israel for a couple who bought a plot and wanted to build their dream home. The plot is 300 square meters in a two-family dwelling. The family consists of a couple with two small children.

The house was designed to maximize the use of the land space sitting on a basement with an additional 2 stories. Each floor is the same size, about 80 sq.

The house has modern designed lines, the materials play between cold and hot and rustic – on one side concrete wall and straight lines, and on the other Belgian windows in with a white, warm floor. A game between hot and cold.

The basement is mostly for recreational needs, including a family corner, a work area, a little play area for children, and of course the protected space.

The entrance floor is designed with a large open area, located alongside the garden area and entrance, creating a sense of wide-open space. The only walled area is a long 2 family wall without openings. This element was utilized to create a large exposed concrete wall that accompanies the entire length of the house and staircase, which is a central design element. The vertical axis connects all floors, from the basement to the top floor. It is a dominant and significant wall that gives depth to the home and will be a wonderful backdrop for stairs. The staircase is made of 12 mm thick tin, with oak paneling, which looks like the wood is “swallowed” in metal. Its central railing is made of stainless-steel strings.

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