Increasingly fat, Taylor Swift now has thighs and butt as big as Kim Kardashian

Taylor Swift’s weight continues to increase rapidly, each bust becoming too plump.

Last September, Taylor Swift re-appeared in the music industry but at the same time made people “fall back” with her visibly fatter body.

Taylor Swift seems to want to “crush” all opponents literally and figuratively.

The “Snake Lord” has transformed, the image of Taylor Swift with long legs and a perfect figure like a supermodel in the past is also a thing of the past:

And here is the latest photo Taylor just shared when she rehearsed for the Reputation tour:

Not only the thighs, but also the butt and belly of the “Snake Lord” are also much more majestic, fans feel like they are seeing blonde Kim Kardashian…

Her body is getting more and more plump, her butt is getting bigger and bigger, I wonder if it’s because Taylor is striving to have curves like her “enemy” Kim Kardashian?

However, Kim’s belly and waist look smaller than Taylor’s.

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